About Us
ACFTI specializes in research and curriculum useful to both academic and practitioner audiences. The first audience includes those individuals who have an interest in developing curriculum and teaching methods also as conducting research associated with the consideration of cybersecurity, digital forensics, incident response, and threat investigations.
The audience also includes practitioners who consider cyber forensics to be a resource that must be understood, taught, and developed. Such practitioners reside during a broad spectrum of functions, including information technology, security, government, and law.
The mission of ACFTI is to provide an avenue for academics and practitioners to share academic needs, experience, and research in the areas of cybersecurity, digital forensics, incident response, and threat investigations. and in particular the intersection of those areas. The main avenues that the association will focus on are a triannual journal and annual workshops/conferences.
To achieve the stated purpose, ACFTI proposes the following objectives:
Collaboration with the academic community from the United Kingdom or abroad to organize conferences, scientific seminars, and workshops, for presenting the development and implementation of effective measures to improve cybersecurity, digital forensics, incident response, and threat investigations;
Collaboration with research centers, associations, and companies from the United Kingdom or abroad, to organize informative events in cybersecurity, digital forensics, incident response, and threat investigations fields;
To develop and sustain the activities of institutions contributing to the development and implementation of cybersecurity measures in information structures;
To perform specific programs for the education and training of personnel involved in electronic information management (data processing, storage, security);
To take action against cyber-attacks and cyber-crime and to cooperate with the competent authorities to combat the phenomenon of cyber-crime;
To ensure the dissemination of notices related to existing vulnerabilities and nationally and internationally newly identified threats; to provide solutions for data restoration and policies to prevent and combat incidents based on the information provided by suppliers of software solutions;
To publish scientific journals for university staff, Ph.D. students or Master’s students, researchers, students, and other professional categories in the fields of cybersecurity, digital forensics, incident response, threat investigations, and cyber-crime;
To coordinate and promote authors of books, textbooks, articles, and specialised works in the fields of cybersecurity, digital forensics, incident response, threat investigations, and cyber-crime;
To defend, represent, and promote the common interests of the members and to provide, within budget, participation to conferences, scientific sessions, and workshops in these fields;
To grant awards, scholarships, or sponsorship to people with outstanding merits in the fields of cybersecurity, digital forensics, incident response, threat investigations, and cybercrime.
Knowledge, implemented through common effort, for mutual benefit, is, in our opinion, the richest expression in cybersecurity, digital forensics, incident response, and threat investigations education.